Medieval Crafter - Devlog #1 - Foundational Setup


Hey crafters,

In this inaugural devlog for Medieval Crafter, I'm thrilled to share the foundational aspects of our game project.

Scene Setup: I've established a basic scene featuring a terrain plane as our primary ground element. This terrain hosts four distinct resources: rock, gold, wood, and iron, each represented by a colored cube.

Player Introduction: Our player character, portrayed by a green capsule, has been introduced into the scene. Attached to the player are two essential tools: an axe and a pickaxe, pivotal for resource gathering.

Camera Integration: A crucial aspect of our setup is the camera system. By making the camera a child of the player object, I enable seamless first-person perspective, allowing players to navigate their surroundings effortlessly.

Player Movement Script: To facilitate player actions, I've implemented a movement script equipped with fundamental FPS parameters:

  • Gravity: Governs downward force exerted on the player.
  • Look Speed: Determines the speed of player view rotation.
  • Look X Limit: Sets the horizontal view range.
  • Player Height: Defines standing height.
  • Crouch Height: Specifies crouching height.
  • Tool Speed: Governs tool swing speed.
  • Walk Speed: Determines walking movement speed.
  • Run Speed: Sets running movement speed.
  • Crouch Speed: Determines crouch movement speed.
  • Jump Power: Controls vertical jump force.

Closing Thoughts: My progress thus far is promising, laying a solid foundation for the immersive gaming experience I aim to deliver. Stay tuned for forthcoming updates as I continue to build upon this groundwork.

Thank you for joining me on this exciting journey.


Here is the youtube video:

Get Medieval Crafter

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