Medieval Crafter - Devlog #7 - Buyer System


Hey everyone,

Welcome to the seventh devlog for Medieval Crafter!

Buyer System:

  • Implemented a new game element called the buyer, represented by a wagon. When the player approaches, the money bag tool is automatically extracted, and a prompt appears suggesting to press 'E' to open the purchase menu.
  • In the purchase menu, all available blueprints and upgrades are displayed. Purchased blueprints are highlighted with a green border, while unpurchased ones are marked with a blue border. Upgrades are highlighted with a red border
  • Developed a BuyerManager script along with corresponding BuyerSlots to handle interactions with the buyer.
  • Added a new parameter for the blueprint price to SellItem.

Tool Upgrade System:

  • Created the UpgradeItems script and associated it with the axe and pickaxe tools.
  • The UpgradeItems script utilizes a subset of variables from the SellItem script and includes a new parameter called upgradeLevel.
  • Each upgrade level increases tool efficiency by 5% and doubles the upgrade costs for further enhancements.

These additions let the plsyer spend money earned by selling items.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates in future devlogs!

Thanks for your continued support,


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