Medieval Crafter - Devlog #10 - Main Menu and Save/Load Functionality


Hey everyone,

Welcome back to the tenth devlog for Medieval Crafter!

In this update, I've added a much-requested feature: the main menu, along with the ability to save and load your game progress. Let's dive into the details of what's new:

1. Main Menu

  • Options: The main menu currently includes options for starting a new game and continuing an existing game. In the future, I plan to add an options menu for adjusting settings and showing Credits.

2. Save and Load Functionality

  • Save Game: You can now save your game progress by pressing F5. This feature allows you to save the player's position, rotation, money owned, inventory, resource status, time of day, missions and blueprint unblocked.
  • Load Game: The main menu includes a "Load Game" button that loads your previously saved game data. When you load the game, the player is restored to their last saved position, rotation, and all variables saved.

Here's a quick overview of how the save and load system works:

  • Saving Data:
    • When you press F5, the game collects all relevant data and stores it in a JSON file.
  • Loading Data:
    • When you select "Load Game" from the main menu, the game reads the JSON file and restores the player to their saved state.

Thanks for your continued support and feedback,



Medieval 160 MB
33 days ago

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