Medieval Crafter - Devlog #6 - Crafting Enhancements and Seller System


Hey everyone,

Welcome back to the sixth devlog for Medieval Crafter!

Crafting Enhancements:

  • Updated the crafter model to include additional details, enhancing the overall visual appeal.
  • Incorporated environmental elements such as flowers and mushrooms into the terrain, adding depth and immersion to the game world.

Sell Item Blueprint System:

  • Implemented a blueprint system for sell items. If the player has not purchased the blueprint for a specific sell item, that item will appear grayed out in the crafter interface, indicating it cannot be crafted until the blueprint is acquired.

Introduction of the Seller:

  • Introduced a new element called the seller, who facilitates the selling of crafted items.
  • Added a new tool called the money bag, which is automatically extracted when the player approaches a seller. The money bag tool allows players to interact with sellers for trading purposes.

Seller Management System:

  • Developed a SellerManager script and assigned it to the inventory canvas. This script manages the seller interface within the inventory layout.
  • Updated the inventory canvas layout to include the total amount of coins owned by the player and the prices of various items.

These recent additions have significantly expanded gameplay possibilities, providing players with more options for crafting, trading, and enhancing their overall experience in Medieval Crafter.

Stay tuned for more updates in future devlogs!

Thanks for following along on this journey,


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