Medieval Crafter - Devlog #5 - Crafting System and Sell Items


Hey everyone,

Welcome back to another exciting update on the development of Medieval Crafter!

In this devlog, I'm thrilled to share the progress I've made on implementing a robust crafting system and introducing sellable items into the game.

Crafting System Enhancements: First and foremost, I've introduced a new tool into the game - the hammer. This tool is now seamlessly integrated with my player character, allowing for smooth interaction with various crafting elements throughout the game world.

Furthermore, I've added a dedicated crafting station represented by a beautifully crafted table. This station serves as the focal point for all crafting activities within the game. By refining the Player Controller script, players can effortlessly approach the crafting station, where the hammer is automatically equipped, and a prompt appears, inviting them to press 'E' to access the crafting menu.

Introducing Sellable Items: Building upon the foundation of our crafting system, I've created two new sellable items: the sword and the shield. These items are not only valuable for their utility in the game but also serve as lucrative commodities that players can craft and sell for profit.

To facilitate the selling process, I've implemented a new script called SellItem. This script encompasses essential parameters such as item name, monetary value, resource costs, blueprint purchase status, item image, and description. Players can now craft these items using their accumulated resources and, in the future, market them for financial gain.

Streamlining the Crafting Experience: To streamline the crafting process, I've developed two additional scripts: CrafterManager and CraftSlot. These scripts play a pivotal role in managing the crafting interface, providing players with clear information on available crafting options, resource requirements, and selling prices. With a user-friendly interface and intuitive mechanics, crafting in Medieval Crafter has never been more engaging.

With these enhancements, the crafting system in Medieval Crafter is now fully operational, offering players a rewarding and immersive gameplay experience. I'm excited to continue refining and expanding upon these features in future updates, so stay tuned for more exciting developments!

Thank you for joining me on this journey of creation and exploration.

Until next time,


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